Currently reading

Tales of Ordinary Madness
Charles Bukowski
Progress: 237/238 pages
Invisible Cities
Italo Calvino
Redwall - Brian Jacques This was my first Brian Jacques book, and certainly not the last one.

As the first book in the series, Redwall does an amazing job pulling the reader in. The characters are vivid, well crafted, and believable. There were a few moments where I felt the book lost steam, but never for long enough to make me want to give up reading. Other than that, it was rather well-written.
Jacques' language is elaborate and colorful, his sentences sharp, and the storyline keeps unfolding in a way that makes the reader look forward to what what happens next. He uses animal world to portray some real human qualities and emotions, as well as the darker, evil side of humanity. While this is an age-old story of good versus evil, it is done in a rather refreshing way. Overall, it was an enjoyable read.